
How To Decorate Large Shadow Box Picture Frame

Last updated on October 8, 2021

These shadow box ideas will help y'all turn your keepsakes into works of art. The best role? You can DIY from scratch!

A shadow box is basically a glorified flick frame. While in a real picture frame you lot are framing a photo or canvas fine art or a print, the shadow box allows you to frame any three-dimensional particular. This choice is bully to display anything you experience addicted of and that y'all want to characteristic in your home decor.

Don't have anything special to display yet? You tin utilize abstract art to create Vacation scenes, seasonal decor, or only make something pretty. In any case, I will testify you how to make a shadow box from scratch (if you desire to), and how to fill and decorate it properly.

I've found and made some of the most inspiring ideas. Cheque these out!

Tabular array of Contents

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How to Make a Shadow Box

A typical shadow box consists of the frame and the display. What you desire to display in your shadow box is upwards to yous (and you probably have an thought). Hither are some popular ideas for objects to use:

  • Collectibles (coins, medals, stamps, etc.)
  • Memorabilia (souvenirs, stickers, coasters, etc.)
  • T-shirts
  • Natural (Seashells, dried flowers, seeds, pebbles, etc.)
  • And anything worth showing.

Here's how to put a display together, in a nutshell:

  1. Adapt your preferred objects in some design around some canvas of paper.
  2. Yous can draw an outline to guide the arrangement of the objects.
  3. Glue everything in the right gild around the sheet.

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Shadow Box Frame

Y'all can buy a beautiful shadow box frame in stores. There are lots of pretty designs to choose from and their toll varies. Merely if you want to go DIY all the way, y'all might besides brand ane.

In a nutshell, it's a uncomplicated narrow box. And so putting information technology together from forest is very piece of cake.

For the shadow box frame you will need these materials:

  • A picture frame for a cute front.
  • Wood boards to brand the box. You can utilise whatever type of wood that y'all have bachelor. The simply thing to make sure is that you accept the required width for the depth of the box.
  • Woods glue.
  • A lath for the back. This can exist a sheet of plywood or corkboard, or even thick paper-thin.
  • Display items.
  • Background paper.
  • Some blazon of agglutinative to adhere the items (more on that later on).

Here'southward how to put it all together:

  1. Mensurate the picture frame and cutting the woods boards. You volition need to make certain your wood is non thicker then the flick frame (and then the boards don't stick out in an ugly way).
  2. Put information technology together with forest gum.
  3. Measure and cutting the board for the back. Adhere it with wood blueish equally well.
  4. Line the back inside the box with a background paper of your selection. Attach it with hot mucilage.
  5. Arrange and attach your display items.

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How to Attach Items in a Shadow Box

While the easiest way to attach items in a shadow box is using hot glue, y'all may want to apply alternatives as well. The affair about glue is that it may cause damage to the display items. If these are valuable, you may want to use other ways to adhere them. These include:

  • Silicone adhesive
  • Thin stainless wires
  • Pins
  • Plastic tagging guns
  • Double-stick record
  • Glue guns and clear glue dots

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How to Fill a Shadow Box

Filling the shadow box is easy in one case you lot've got it gear up. Make sure y'all are happy with the manner information technology looks, and with the groundwork before attaching items inside.

Follow these uncomplicated rules to fill the box with your keepsakes to make information technology look good:

  • Consider the size of the items. They cannot be too large. Leave enough negative space effectually them in the box. The frame casts a shadow inside (thus the proper noun), so brand sure the items aren't besides close to the edges and overshadowed.
  • Continue the dominion of thirds in mind. Information technology says that you should display items in odd numbers. If possible, add items that are of varying summit also.

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How to Decorate a Shadow Box

There'southward no right or wrong style to decorate a box. It's just a glorified picture frame anyway. And then information technology'south a decor slice in and of itself. If you're at a loss, however, you lot can follow some good-sense guidelines:

  • Cull items which relate to each other and group them in that social club.
  • Differentiate the items also in terms of size, shape, and colour.
  • Select a box that is spacious enough to concur all your display items.
  • Lay the items neatly on the background to learn a preferred layout.
  • Yous can add embellishments to help complement your design.

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Shadow Box Lights

A typical shadow box (especially if it's deep) tin cast a shadow on the display items. Indeed, information technology is named and then for a reason. But that's not what you lot desire and information technology tin be a problem. You lot definitely do not want your keepsakes to be overshadowed and barely seen.

The solution is to add lights to the box itself. Basically, there are ii ways to do it:

  1. Programme for the lighting from the starting time and add lighting when building the box.
  2. Simply add battery operated string lights within the box.

The starting time solution is of grade a more elegant one. Only information technology's non complicated either. Your all-time option is to line the inside of the frame with LED strips. For this, you will demand to run a wire through the box.

Which style is ameliorate? It depends. If yous don't want wires going out of the box, you will want to use the battery-operated string lights. Withal, LED strips provide much better lighting.

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Types of Shadow Boxes

To understand better, what a proficient shadow box should await like, we'll go over some of the most popular types.

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Military Shadow Box

What'due south important about it:

  • Y'all tin can purchase military shadow boxes or customize them
  • Cull a colour of preference
  • Choose a preferred size
  • You tin choose to brand it from either cardboard, paper, metallic, or wood

Items to put inside the box:

  • Insignia
  • Medals
  • Awards
  • Badges
  • Buckles
  • Uniforms
  • Considerations such every bit certificates
  • Photographs

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Small Shadow Box

Hither's what makes a small box different:

  • Information technology does not involve much detail.
  • You can decide to put different objects in it.
  • Use frames of a shorter length and width.
  • Programme the pieces in order and gear up the box.

What tin you display in a minor box?

  • Miniature collectibles
  • House keys
  • Baby clothes and shoes
  • Other small memorabilia

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Baby Shadow Box

Things to keep in mind nigh a baby box:

  • You lot need a smaller size of shadow box for your babe.
  • Arrive as a gift for a infant of your friend.
  • Brand a different box for each phase in baby's life. This tin can exist birth box, babe's first shoes, foot and hand prints, and then on.
  • Choose brilliant colors.

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Ticket Shadow Box

This type of a box is platonic for displaying the following:

  • Ticket stubs
  • Journals
  • Messages
  • Snapshots
  • Scraps

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Forest Shadow Box

What tin nosotros tell about a wooden shadow box:

  • It's the well-nigh pop DIY project for the shadow box.
  • They tin exist made of different types of wood in different finishes.
  • It can be customized into various shapes and sizes.
  • You can paint the wooden shadow box a color of your preference.

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Memorial Shadow Box

The memorial shadow box is a tribute to your dear family unit member or a friend who has passed abroad. Here'due south how you tin make this wonderful tribute:

  • Become through the photos of your bereaved family member
  • Select the ones that bring out the best memories of him or her
  • Print them on paper or a sheet
  • Choose other items which yous will include in the box for memories
  • Decide the groundwork you want to prepare
  • Arrange the layout
  • Assemble the items in the box, and the memorial shadow box will be fix

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Wedding Shadow Box

One of the near popular uses for a shadow box. Information technology'southward unremarkably designed as a gift for the people who are getting married. if you're going to blueprint one yourself, proceed in mind that…

  • The background photo should be a picture of one or both of them.
  • Use colour themes that resonate with weddings, particularly if at that place's a specific color for this particular wedding.
  • You can cull to include flowers in the box.
  • One can also include some items ane of the newlyweds personally love the most (such as shells).

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Seashell Shadow Boxes

What a nifty way to keep the retentivity of that awesome beach you've been to last on your last vacation. If y'all're the kind of person that dearest collecting seashells from every embankment you've been to, here's how to keep and showcase them:

  • Gather the shells and ensure they fit in the box.
  • Separate the shells according to size.
  • Lay out the special shells commencement.
  • Fill in the gaps with bigger seashells next.
  • Use the tiny shells to complete the remaining gaps.

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Vintage Shadow Box

Some vintage charm is a corking fashion to add grapheme to your domicile decor. Here are a few ideas to endeavour:

  • Look for something unique in thrift stores. You tin can notice a lot of gorgeous vintage boxes online too.
  • Hang them on the wall in whatever room to add instant charm.
  • As a frame, it will work for any type of shadow box.
  • Real vintage boxes are unique, especially if you find them in austerity stores or flea markets. They may even have stories attached to them.

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Black Shadow Box

Here are some things that wait skillful in a black frame:

  • Ribbons
  • Medals
  • Photos
  • Other collectibles

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Round Shadow Box

-They bear round shapes
-They can be made of woods, metal, or plastic
-They come in a wide variety of colors
-The sizes are also different for people to choose them as they adopt

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Shadow Boxes with Shelves

Shadow boxes begetting shelves are uncommon. They are used to hold items that are difficult to attach. These boxes are usually mounted on a wall (but they can be stand up-alone) and function every bit pocket-size display shelves. And then when decorating, treat them as such.

Each shelf is a compartment for dissimilar items. To create a visually pleasing display, use items of varying size, color, and way. Use the rule of thirds.

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Rustic Shadow Box

Rustic frames have the almost entreatment if they are made of reclaimed wood. Though, the same issue can be accomplished with the right wood stain.

Use this take chances to repurpose old items. For case, an former shallow drawer will make an excellent shadow box with picayune work.

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Dried Flower Shadow Box

Dried blossom boxes make a great piece of decor, and they tin be fabricated equally gifts to someone. Here are some considerations:

  • Choose the flowers you lot prefer the most.
  • Ensure the flowers are stale properly.
  • Choose a groundwork photo of the person you lot are gifting.
  • Select a suitable size of box for the flowers.
  • Arrange the flowers in some design of your choice

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Travel Shadow Box

A great style to keep and display your travel memorabilia is using a travel shadow box. It'southward a much better way to organize all your travels than letting everything sit down on shelves and collect dust!

Here'southward what you lot demand to consider:

  • Gather the items you need in your travel shadow box.
  • Organize all the items in your preferred order.
  • Choose different boxes for each vacation.
  • Y'all can too make photograph boxes for each family fellow member.
  • Ensure the size of box y'all choose is portable.

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Shadow Box Scene

Making a scene box is a great addition to your seasonal and holiday decor. Take Christmas for example. You can make cute 3D art with a simple frame. Bank check out this video to get an idea of how to make this craft.

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